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Shelby Shoup:
Creative & Leadership Portfolio

Shelby graduated from Oakland University in 2013 with a BA in Cinema Studies and a minor in English Literature. In 2016 she was hired by Bill Proctor to create an online media presence for him to advocate for positive Justice Reform. Since then, she has spearheaded advocacy projects for the firm including the campaign that helped free Ray Gray, the longest-serving innocent inmate in the United States. In 2022, she became an investigative partner. Below are her most notable accomplishments.


Seeking Justice - Website and Projects

Shelby is responsible for creating the Seeking Justice website and any affiliated websites. She runs all social media pages and remains the lead art director for all creative content and related projects. She also is a junior investigator and assists with all investigations. Please follow the links to see the Seeking Justice website and the website of the Private Investigation firm she is a partner and an apprentice under investigative reporter, Bill Proctor. 


Wound Culture Magazine/Revolt Zine

Shelby was the creative director of two separate print projects. Wound Culture Magazine was a true crime and aesthetics magazine that explored why American culture is so obsessed with murder. REVOLT was a politically themed zine that explored heavy topics through art as a bridge-gapping medium. Both were created using volunteer models, writers, photographers, and designers. Both magazines themselves were designed by Shelby and can be explored by following the links below. 


Magazine Launch

With the help of an expansive creative community, Shelby and her team were also able to host a "Print Party" to celebrate the launch of both Wound Culture and REVOLT. (plus a third print project by another local creative) The event hosted local vendors and offered all contributing artists the opportunity to sell their products and art to guests. Between 150 -200 guests were in attendance and the profits for our team were near $1000.00

#FreeRayGray Campaign 

The Seeking Justice team was involved in the release of Raymond Gray, the longest-serving innocent man in the United States. Ray, a painter, was wrongfully convicted in 1979 for a murder he did not commit. Not only did Bill Proctor and his team able to locate a key witness that was able to attest to Ray's innocence, Shelby and her team spear-headed several marketing campaigns to activate the community's interest in Ray's case. #FreeRayGray allowed people from all over the world to tap in. Artists donated their time to share portraits of Ray in their style with the campaign #artistsknowRayGray. A live stream auction was hosted to raffle off hand-painted items to earn money for some of Ray's legal fees. A successful Kickstarter was managed and achieved its goal to pay for the legal counsel needed to get Ray's case relooked at. In May 2020, Ray Gray walked free after serving 49 years in prison wrongfully. In 2021, Shelby and Bill hosted a freedom fundraiser banquet dinner to celebrate Ray's one-year freedom anniversary. Follow the links for a reference of "#FreeRayGray" and additional articles and resources. 

Click the Following Links for More:

107 - Detroiter Ray Gray's EXCLUSIVE, FIRST Sit-Down Interview After 48 Years Wrongfully Imprisoned

107 - Detroiter Ray Gray's EXCLUSIVE, FIRST Sit-Down Interview After 48 Years Wrongfully Imprisoned

In 1973, Detroit artist and award-winning boxer Ray Gray was accused of breaking into a local drug dealer’s home and fatally shooting him. Though none of the surviving occupants were able to identify the invaders, Ray became a focus of the investigation. Tunnel vision, corruption, faulty identification processes, suppressed evidence, and failure to investigate other suspects culminated in additional tragedy — refusing to admit his guilt, Ray was sentenced to life in prison without parole where he would remain for the next 48 years. Ray's wrongful incarceration catalyzed a decades-long quest for freedom and truth. Collaborating with The Innocence Project and legendary Detroit journalist Bill Proctor, he accepted a plea deal from the Wayne County Prosecutor’s office and was finally released from prison on May 25th, 2021, after nearly a half-century behind bars. In this captivating installment, Ray sits down with Mike for his FIRST, exclusive interview following his release — a mere week after he obtained freedom. Ray and Mike cover the gamut of his experiences— how he found love while in prison, the role art played in helping him cope with incarceration, challenges readjusting to civilian status, his plans for the future as a free man, and more. Mike Morse Law Firm 24901 Northwestern Hwy #700 Southfield, MI 48075 FQC5+87 Southfield, Michigan (248) 350-9050,-83.2439687,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0xf7d69d8bcebf571c!8m2!3d42.470764!4d-83.24178 Like Mike Morse Law On Facebook: Follow Mike Morse Law Firm On Twitter: Follow Mike Morse Law On Instagram: Check Out Mike Morse On LinkedIn: Subscribe To Mike Morse Law Firm Channel: Share this Mike Morse Law Video: Check Out Another Mike Morse Law Firm Video: Read What Our Clients Have To Say: #MikeMorseLaw #MikeMorseLawFirm #MikeMorse

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